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- Catalogue de formations
- Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp avec BeCode (en anglais)
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Séance d’information :
Début : 2025 / Twice a year
7 months (+ 2 months internship) - temps plein lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi
Bruxelles Formation - BF métiers urbains - rue Picard N°11, 1000 Bruxelles
Métier en pénurie
During the training session, candidates will discover all the hidden paths inside Artificial Intelligence and gain fundamental technical knowledge in development, algorithms, principles of machine learning and deep learning. Once these bases are acquired, our goal is to provide the means for people to find their career path.
After the training you can follow the path to become a Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer or Machine Learning Engineer.
Warning: This training is provided in English
!!! As a result of the public health mesures, this training will be provided in a blended learning format, ie. a mix between online training and sessions on Becode’s Digital Campus !!!
Tech Skills
You will learn to acquire, analyze and understand data. You will learn to prepare and clean them in order to make predictions. You will be introduced to Machine Learning / Deep Learning / Natural language processing (understanding of the natural human language), to Computer Vision (object recognition / tracking) and chatbots.
Soft Skills
A professional AI Data Operator needs a deep understanding of a client’s needs and activities and must learn to communicate technical concepts to a customer who isn’t a specialist in the field. Therefore, you will learn to speak in public, to collaborate smoothly, to be agile and to manage a project from A to Z.
Moreover, all BeCode graduates grow these soft skills:
- Autonomous self-learner
- Team player
- Reliable
- Solution Mindset
Etre chercheur d'emploi
This training is open to job seekers registered with Actiris or VDAB (Depending on some of the funds, the priority will be given to residents of Brussels area).
Warning: If you registered with Forem, please contact them to request a document of « mobilité interrégionale » before the selection day.
- No specific diploma or university degree
- Intermediate level of English (B2) : writing & reading
- Basic knowledge of programming
- Basic mathematical understanding
- Problem-solver mindset
- Strong motivation
- Self-learner
Il est nécessaire de participer à une séance d’information avant de pouvoir s’inscrire à la formation.
A savoir
Adress of the training BeCode Brussels: Digital Campus of BeCentral – Cantersteen 10, 1000 Brussels
Pour s'informer et s'inscrire
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Séance d'info
Test et entretien de motivation
Stage en entreprise