
Bruxelles Formation and Hack Your Future Belgium offer a 2-month training in web development (Back-end) with the support of Agoria, the federation of Belgian companies in the Tech sector. The training is conducted in English to facilitate the professional integration of individuals who do not yet master French or Dutch.

This training aims to

  • Acquire additional skills to perform the role of a Back-end Developer or Full Stack Developer in a company
  • Create dynamic web pages from external databases
  • Continue learning new digital professions in other complementary areas of expertise such as Development Engineer, cybersecurity, or artificial intelligence (AI).


This training is only given in English

The program is structured as follows:

  • Learning back-end skills and technologies (the parts of the code of an application or software that enable its operation and are inaccessible to the user): NodeJS, Express, Authorization/Authentication, JWT Tokens, SQL Queries, and CORS.
  • Learning agile methodology, project management
  • Exploration of other domains: security, environment, artificial intelligence, communication, entrepreneurship, social media, and others based on demand.
  • Active job search: as the goal of the training is to enable participants to find employment, emphasis will be placed on job and internship search throughout the training. This includes technical and soft-skills workshops, personalized coaching, and numerous networking events in partnership with companies.


Etre chercheur d'emploi inoccupé.

Participants must be registered with ACTIRIS as a job seeker (chercheur d’emploi inoccupé). 
Important note: Job seekers residing outside of Brussels must also submit a request for Interregional Mobility  to the FOREM or VDAB service of their region before the day of the selections.

  • Having a working understanding of Javascript, HTML and CSS is required
  • English proficiency: A minimum of B1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
  • Successful completion of a motivation interview focusing on your professional project.

Il est nécessaire de participer à une séance d’information avant de pouvoir s’inscrire à la formation.

A savoir

This training is organized in partnership with Hack Your Future.

The training is conducted in a hybrid mode, alternating between online classes and in-person sessions at the Epitech Brussels premises located at Montgomery (avenue de Tervuren 142, 1150 Brussels).


Pour s'informer et s'inscrire


Pour s'informer uniquement


Parcours de formation

  • 1

    Inscription à la séance d'info

  • 2

    Séance d'info

  • 3

    Test et entretien de motivation

  • 4


  • 5

    Stage en entreprise