
After a 7 months intensive free training, you will be able to help companies to deploy and maintain and secure applications and services.

BeCode’s Cyber Security Bootcamp has been built while keeping a hacker mentality in mind. A hacker who is always trying to improve his capacities, trying to find breaches and bugs and trying to solve problems. Every bug is an opportunity.

As a Cyber Security Analyst, you will help companies secure their IT systems. You will learn how to monitor and evaluate an infrastructure its vulnerabilities and you will discover cyber attack risk mitigation.


Warning: This training is provided in English!

This training aims at preparing you to become a Cyber Security Analyst, based on your existing knowledge and the ones you will acquire at BeCode. That is why we will look into the following domains:

  • System administration: command line, system configuration, users (Windows and linux), etc.
  • Networks: networking simulation tool (Cisco packet tracer)
  • Programming: advanced scripting (Python, Bash, Powershell, etc.)
  • Analyst: log collecting (Syslog, Traps SNMP, Opsec, IDMEF…), managing and evaluating incident severity. Traffic analysing (Wireshark, tcpdump, etc.). Setting up IDS and IPS (NIDS, HIDS, NIPS, HIPS)
  • Pentest: introduction to the following tests. Enumeration (nmap, dirbuster, Nikto, etc.). Exploitation (SearchSploit, Metasploit, etc.). Post-exploitation.

As a professional, you need to understand a clients’ needs and activities and you need to learn how to communicate properly about technical concepts. That is why you will learn how to speak in public, how to write reports, how to be flexible and how to manage a project from A to Z. Next to that, all of our BeCodians also develop skills in the following domains: Self-directed learning, autonomy, team spirit, liability and solution orientation.


Etre chercheur d'emploi

This training is open to job seekers registered with Actiris. Warning: If you are registered with Forem or the VDAB, please contact them to request a document of « interregional mobility » at least 3 weeks before the selection day.

  • Intermediate level of English (B2) : writing & reading
  • No specific diploma or university degree
  • Tech savvy
  • Problem-solver mindset
  • Strong motivation
  • Self-learner
  • Editorial skills

Il est nécessaire de participer à une séance d’information avant de pouvoir s’inscrire à la formation.

A savoir

Adress of the training BeCode Brussels: Digital Campus of BeCentral  – Cantersteen 10, 1000 Brussels. 

This training will be provided in a blended learning format, ie. a mix between online training and sessions on Becode’s Digital Campus.


Pour s'informer et s'inscrire


Pour s'informer uniquement


Parcours de formation

  • 1

    Inscription à la séance d'info

  • 2

    Séance d'info

  • 3

    Test et entretien de motivation

  • 4


  • 5

    Stage en entreprise